Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Mike Gladieux

While I was attending graduate school at the University of Michigan I heard about the community early on. I knew “the 4” from my undergraduate days at Notre Dame. I had gone to Campus Corners to the apartment prayer meetings, because Steve had called me up and invited me. And I had stopped in at St. Mary’s basement for a prayer meeting, but although I was touched, in neither case did The Lord catch me. Then one Thursday evening I went to a Word of God prayer meeting at St. Thomas gymnasium. I went on a lark. As I was there, a man from a motorcycle gang stood up and testified about how Jesus had saved him. As he spoke, I “saw” The Lord Jesus standing next to him. I was astounded!! I spoke to The Lord. “Jesus! You really are here!” Instantly He stood before me, and touched me. I was filled with the Love of God as the Holy Spirit flowed through my body like an electrical current. My whole lousy life was before me like a 3-dimensional mural. Jesus said nothing, but just loved me. I wept copiously. I called on Jesus and told Him that I wanted to be like Him. I was so sorry for my wrong life style. After the meeting Jim Cavnar invited all who were interested to sign up for The Life in The Spirit seminar. I did and was caught up in the wonderful move of the Holy Spirit here in our community, and became part of The Word of God. A few weeks later Ralph was reading a few sentences on receiving Jesus that Billy Graham had written. I specifically asked Jesus to save me and be Lord of my life. I had a momentary vision of Jesus in heaven making a check mark next to my name in some big book. I now know that it was The Book of Life. I think He checked the “Do Not Erase” column next to my name. My life has never been the same. The friendships, the teaching, the fellowship. How God has blessed me!