Monday, December 17, 2007

Paul Woodward

My life before Oct. 1972 was a time of seeking God without a knowledge of the helps of the Holy Spirit. My family also entertained the works of the devil for three or more generations. I was told who I would later marry by a "devil board" a friend Joan and I were using. As my life in the Word of God and my marriage has evolved I know I am part of the ongoing work of our Lord of Love to reclaim lost ground from you know who.
I have learned so much through the support of hundreds of Spirit-filled sisters and brothers how to be a holy man. Of course the best way I learned was living daily in households.
Currently I have been challenged and encouraged in my prayer life by praying on Tuesdays from 4-6 am. One time I wrote Phil Tiews an e-mail saying I was not able to be there on a particular morning. He shot me back a message saying "no problem, it's pretty crowded at the church with all the saints and angels praying along" with him.
Thanks be to God for giving me the Word of God Community to grow in the
life of the Holy Spirit.
Paul Woodward