Dear brothers and sisters,
Our testimonies all differ in details but many are similar in their main points as they touch on The Word of God. Usually it goes like this: "Someone invited me to a prayer meeting, I went, experienced the power of God and my life has never been the same." For Liz and me it went something like this:
While I was out of town on a business trip someone invited Liz to a small charismatic prayer meeting at St. Paul Lutheran School near Concordia. When I returned home I discovered that Liz was all excited and insisted that I go with her to the next prayer meeting. One of the leaders told us that they were closing down for the summer and if we really wanted to experience the power of God we should attend a Word of God meeting down at St. Mary's. Procrastinator that I am I didn't do anything about the suggestion. In September Ted Kennedy, Jr. came to the office where I worked (Townsend & Bottum on S. State St.). Bill Bottum (my boss) listened to Ted's description of the goings on at The Word of God and suggested that perhaps he should talk to me. (God didn't give up on us.) Ted invited us to a Thursday gathering that night. Ted's wife Emily met us there and steered us to an "explanation room" led by Jim Cavnar. Jim also gave the talk that night and I think he may have swept up and put away the chairs. It was my first experience of the power of the Holy Spirit and we were swept up with many of you who were being called to Community in those glorious days. I remember a few names from our Community Weeked down at the Hall of the Divine Child in Monroe. Gary and Barbara Morgan, Dorcee Clarey, Jeanne Kun, Ed Loescher were among those attending the weekend.
That was 37 years ago and literally our lives were changed forever. As we all know it was not always easy but we praise God for allowing us to be part of what he was doing all those years ago. We rejoice in what God has done with us and for us over all those years. He remains faithful even though we have not always been faithful. We pray that the Lord will continue to lead all of us in the years ahead. Happy 40th Anniversary! We are truly sorry that we can't be with you and celebrate this great occasion. God bless you all!
Ron and Liz Ghormley